Using XStatic

The XStatic package does only offer the most fundamental functions for dealing with static files (and this is very much the point of XStatic: being low-fat).

The only bit of code is in XStatic.main, class XStatic.

When you instantiate an object of this class, it’ll read the uppercase attributes from the xstatic module you give to it and make them available as lowercase instance attributes.

E.g. (we use the xstatic-jquery package as example, see also the code example below):

  • xstatic.pkg.jquery.NAME ->
  • xstatic.pkg.jquery.BASE_DIR -> xs.base_dir

Thus, you have all the metadata that came with the xstatic-jquery package easily available.

Example code to setup local file serving

from xstatic.main import XStatic
# names below must be package names
mod_names = [
    'jquery', 'bootstrap', 'font_awesome',
pkg = __import__('xstatic.pkg', fromlist=mod_names)
serve_files = {}
for mod_name in mod_names:
    mod = getattr(pkg, mod_name)
    xs = XStatic(mod, root_url='/static', provider='local', protocol='http')
    serve_files[] = xs.base_dir

# now, serve_files has the mapping name -> base_dir for all the xstatic
# packages you want to use. you can use it in your python code to set
# up the static file serving.

In this example, we wanted to use the local static files we got within the xstatic-* packages.

For some packages there is also a CDN available, you can use it by giving the appropriate provider (not ‘local’) and protocol (see the xstatic-* package metadata about which cdnnames and protocols are available for the package):

xs = XStatic(mod, provider=’cdnname’, protocol=’https’) print xs.base_url

Note: base_url is often a str (as you maybe have expected). But it also can be a dict (which maps relative pathes to full urls) - we needed that for some CDNs where one can not just compute the full url from base url + relative path.

The Xstatic class also has a simple url_for(relative_path) method which computes the full url - for local URLs as well as for CDN URLs.